Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Indoor Activities

The swine flu is going on and as a mother I'm concerned for me and my family. Hear are some home cool ideas to play indoors and not go out.

Play a Game of Indoor Baseball
Take a few sheets of newspaper and crumple into a ball. Take a sheet of foil and wrap the paper ball in the foil. Use a few sheets of newspaper and roll it lengthwise to create a "bat". Cover that with foil as well. (You can also use a tube from a roll of wrapping paper). Take 4 paper towels and tape them to the floor. Pitch to your child and play indoor baseball.

Make an Edible Necklace
This is a great activity that leads to a great snack. All you'll need is shoestring licorice and cereal or crackers with holes in the middle (like Cheerios). String the cereal on the licorice, tie the ends and voila – a necklace ready to eat.

Have a Parade!
Grab some hats (parents' hats are the best), a couple of dad's shirts, a few pans and wooden spoons. Line the kids up, make sure you grab an instrument, too, and head down the hallway making music in your own parade. Non-walkers can be part of this parade too. Either let the child sit on the sidelines and bang a pot or put the child in a stroller and push the her around. Other ideas: cut pieces of ribbon to use as colorful "flags" or use feather dusters as marching wands.

It's Picnic Time
Make your own picnic basket, spread a blanket on the floor and have an indoor picnic. Ideas for your picnic meal include, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, a thermos of lemonade or juice, crackers, and for dessert an ice cream cone cupcake

Picnic Basket Craft

What You'll Need:
1 brown paper lunch bag
1-1/2 X 18" brown construction paper strip
2 1" sponge squaresbrown poster paint (or you could use a different color, if you'd like)staplerPaper towel

How to Make It:
Fold down a one-inch cuff around the top of the paper bag. Fold the cuff down four more times so that the bag stands about for to five inches tall.
Sponge-paint a checkerboard pattern on the basket. Let the paint dry.
Staple one end of the paper strip to one end of the basket, then to the other end.
Line the basket with a paper towel.
Add a cup, small paper plate and a napkin (and maybe a goodie or two) and off you go!

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